Главный нынешний кодер ArcticMUD опубликовал интересную статистику:
There are
252113 lines of code in 407 files.
The vast majority of the code is written in
C and
C++, Perl is used in some tools.
A total of
31 coders have contributed to Arctic.
version control system contains all the code written
since May 12, 1993.
oldest unmodified files still in use date back to
1997 and deals with low-level routines, network handling and dice rolling

The first non-DIKU spell added is restoration (January 02, 1994)
А как у Вас?
mud.arctic.org 2700
- "Burn in the eternal reboot of Hell, heretic!"
- "Do you believe in MUD after life?"
- "ArcticMUD is my religion. There is life after death!"